- Stomatology ( in English)
- 6 Years
- Public Health & Preventive Medicine
- 5 Years
- MBBS (in English)
- 6 Years
- Pharmacy
- 4 Years
- Traditional Chinese pharmacology
- 4 Years
- Pharmaceutical Engineering
- 4 Years
- Clinical Pharmacy
- 4 Years
- Biopharmaceutical
- 4 Years
- Biotechnology
- 4 Years
- Marine Science
- 5 Years
- Environmental Science
- 5 Years
- Applied Psychology
- 5 Years
- Nursing
- 5 Years
- Clinical Medicine
- 5 Years
- Dental Surgery
- 5 Years
- Optometry
- 5 Years
- forensic medicine
- 5 Years
- Medical Imaging
- 5 Years
- Anesthesiology
- 5 Years
- Traditional Chinese Medicine
- 5 Years
- Rehabilitation Therapy
- 5 Years
- Medical Laboratory
- 5 Years
- Biological Sciences
- 5 Years
- TCM pharmacy
- 5 Years
- Pharmaceutical Engineering
- 5 Years
- Public Administration
- 5 Years
- Marketing
- 5 Years
- Labour and Social Security
- 5 Years
- Biomedical Engineering
- 5 Years
- Information Management and Information Systems
- 5 Years
- Computer Science and Technology
- 5 Years
- IT Engineering
- 5 Years
- Human Movement Science & Sport Management
- 5 Years
- English
- 5 Years
- Japanese language
- 5 Years
- Pharmacy
- 4 Years
- Stomatology ( in English)
- 6 Years
25 Best Universities In China For International Students
/in BlogLet’s look at 25 Best Universities in China for International Students. We have visited all these Universities in China for research purpose many times. But, we have seen that international students get confusing facts. when searching most of the ranking sites online. Most of this ranking sites don’t take into consideration the main objectives. And the need of foreign Students in China.